Education certainly helps one to gain a definite level of knowledge but within the limits of the respective education system. Sometimes education is simply considered as a basic means of earning a livelihood. For long time, people have given their views on education and morale build-up but specifically there are no standards set. The education of ones definitely assists to develop a social personality but does it make him/her a responsible citizen as well.
The most important feature of education measured nowadays is building a career so a person can maintain his luxurious lifestyle as well as lead a graceful surrounding. In developing countries like India, where economy holds its held high and neglects the unfortunate, there constantly lays a fear of failure in achieving a successful career. There are so many career options available for you in the vast universe of opportunities. What you need is to take a deep breath and think what you resemble the most. Take that million dollar decision quick and accurate. This will in turn guarantee you a great future and zeal to perform the right tasks at the right amount of time. That solely depends upon the past qualification and the talent of an individual which can guarantee success to someone who aspires a high flying career. So this is for the growing youth: Make a giant leap and try to reach for your goals at an early stage. Make your aim clear and set your eyes upon it. Don’t ever remove your sight from it or give fate the time to take what can be gathered by you. This is the feeling that keeps the light of hope glowing and maintains the quest within your soul. Let your ambition make you imagine what you know you can do and then grab it like you grab the hands of your beloved. Don’t wait! Success is ready to kiss your feet and let it do that. Believe me you can never forget this feeling….